Hearing Services – Early Intervention
CHSC provides early intervention services as part of Ohio’s Early Intervention program for children birth through age three who have hearing loss. The services are home-based and are offered free of charge to families.
CHSC provides early intervention services as part of Ohio’s Early Intervention program for children birth through age three who have hearing loss. The services are home-based and are offered free of charge to families. The video below describes how Evidence Based Early Intervention works.
Our early intervention program is designed to enhance the development of infants and toddlers with hearing loss. It is designed to maximize the child’s potential.
Visits with families will be provided in the child’s natural environment which is typically the home, but may be in any location of the family’s choosing. Everyday routines and experiences will be the foundation for each visit. Visits can also be provided virtually.
For more information, please contact Bridgid Whitford at 216-325-7585 or, email bwhitford@chsc.org
A CHSC playgroup for children ages 0-5 with hearing loss
The Learn, Laugh & Grow playgroup hosts events for young kids with hearing loss and provides opportunities for their parents to socialize and connect with each other as well as make deeper connections in the community.